Arduino code for hot/cold-stage
The temperature controlled hot/cold-stage has been described in article:
A. Ćirić, S. Stojadinović, M.D. Dramićanin, Custom-built thermometry apparatus and luminescence intensity ratio thermometry of ZrO2:Eu3+ and Nb2O5:Eu3+, Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 30, Issue 4 (2019).
The operating manual is given HERE.
The code is for:
- control of 1kW AC 230V heating element,
- control of the calibration oven 500 W,
- control of Peltier element 12V for both heating and cooling
- RTD pt100 temperature probe.
The complete code is openly distributed via Mendeley Data.
The required Arduino modules are: MAX31865, TM1637, MAX6675.